Saturday night we had a night of sport. We got to Scruffy Murphy's early so the boys could watch Man U v Fulham, I decide to watch the Leicester v Northampton game instead. It soon became packed however, and we couldn't breathe so we decided to leave and go to Paddy Maguires.
After queueing for an age we got to the front, only to find it was full, so jumped in a taxi with the boys to try the pubs in Bondi which we were assured would be quieter.... Quieter turned out to be SHUT.
Panic was setting in by this stage. I had not stayed up all night to miss the England game... but luckily our next door neighbour Andy suggested Sports Bar in Kings Cross. Another Taxi Ride, and we were soon settled in bar where we could both see the screen and breathe.
The game was shocking, and even more so due to the fact that the whole of Ireland seem to be in Sydney, I have made far too many Irish friends, and I was wearing a top which proclaimed me as English. Don't get me wrong... I'm proud of my English roots, but maybe wouldn't shout it from the roof tops when we play like that.
I was just about holding in my disappointment of the trouncing we got, when some irish guy proceeded to tell me that the Welsh invented Rugby.
NOT HAPPY.... and didn't he know about it!

Anyway.... the less said about it the better. But in true sporting fashion, here is my baby guiness (Kahlua and Baileys) as a very quiet congratulations to Ireland.
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