We headed on, in a packed bus, down the Wild West Coast. We are sat in front of Sam and Fiona, and soon get chatting (interesting what a front page of Posh on a magazine can get started!). Princess makes us write our names on the window of the bus. My creativity always dwindles on demand!
We stop in Westport in the afternoon, and while the others high foot it to a brewery for a quick taste, H and I play the somewhat harder game of "try and find a shop open in Westport at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon". Crazy! With supplies at the ready for the evening's fancy dress (theme: Cross Dressing), I soon find myself returning to my Uni days, and scheming about an outfit.

Back on the bus, we try and get the party started, and balloons are soon flying up and down the bus but we are met with total apathy!
We finally reach the metropolis which is Barry Town (or Baz Vegas) - population 40. We are staying at the only pub in the village (can anyone else read that without lapsing into a Daffydd voice?) and this is why the entertainment tonight is fancy dress.
H and I have decided to go as Paratroopers (seeing as our whole wardrobe is Khaki!) and have bought waterpistols to add to the outfit. We also have camoflaged ourselves with Brown eyeshadow. We have no green eyeshadow despite askin
g on the bus (Fiona reckons the resident redhead is keeping hers quiet!).

This must be the only pub in the world which actually encourages water fights. I squirt someone who knocked my gun off the table... he (who turns out to run the place) disappeared behind the bar and got his gun.... Much bigger and full of much more water. Enough said I think!
There was a free bungy on offer for the best dressed and in the final it was down to Sam (Posh) and a french guy called Guillame. Guillame was born to perform, I think, and was loving the attention as he danced on the bar, so sadly he pipped our Posh to the post.
The evening continued with games of killer pool, pick up the cardboard box with your teeth, and later we moved on to cards back in the dorm room once the bar had shut. What a night.
We love you Baz Vegas!
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