Sunday, April 15, 2007

The One with Summer Bay

With time running out in Sydney, we used our weekends to pack in the rest of the sites. Having already visited the mecca of soaps in Melbourne, it was now time to pay homage to the other great Australian soap, and head to the outskirts of Sydney to Palm Beach, better known as Home and Away's Summer Bay!

The bus took ages to get there, but H and I were catching up with Lincoln and Rach, and soon were rrecognising the wooden fences from clips on the soap.
We finally arrived at Summer Bay, and I was relieved that I actually recognised it ... it has been a while since I watched the show!
We walked along the beach (excitedly singing the theme tune - there is video footage of me doing this, but I'm not brave enough to publicly share this with you all!)
Then we headed up to the Surf Club. It actually is a working Surf Club but they have the Summer Bay sign on it for filming.
Then we wandered further down the beach enjoying the late afternoon sun.
That evening we met up with Andrew (Skippy) - who was my supervisor in the Cardiff Rugby Club Bar. He's moved back out here, adn this was the second time we have caught up with him. The five of us had dinner together, managed to break the picnic table we sat on by having 3 on one side and none on the other... randomly, with cameras and
purses on the tipping table, the automatic reaction of all of us was to rescue our pint glasses!

We had a very pleaseant evening watching the sun set over the harbour which was filled with boats, and then headed back on the bus, which was now full of loads of teenagers catching the bus into town for a saturday night out!... I'm getting old!

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