Well after a rather bumpy flight we touched down at JFK aiport last Saturday - and i have been humming Frank Sinatra, and NYC from Annie ever since. It was a beautiful sunny (if rather humid day) and by the time our 2 hour train ride into the city was over we only had limited energy so we started with Times Square.
New York has been everythig I dreamt it would be. Bustling, busy, yellow cabs, NYPD blue cars, Fire Trucks, Non Stop honking. Buildings that dwarf you into insignificance, Deli sandwiches bulging with Pastrami, and friendly people. Really friendly. I mean when they say "Have nice Day" they really mean it!"
We have done all the touristy bits, Empire State, Statute of Liberty, Ellis Island, had lunch in Katz's (where Harry met Sally and Meg Ryan did that scene!), Bus tours, Staten Island Ferry, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Central Park and have even wandered through Greenwich village in search of Monica and Chandler et al!
Evening wise, we have been to see History Boys on Broadway (really recommend it), and had my first taste of a Baseball game as we watched the Yankees play the Devil Rays. Fantastic experience, especially as it is only glorified rounders!
What stands out for me most, however, was Ground Zero on Monday. As you're all aware it was the 5th Anniversary of 9/11. We headed early down to Ground Zero, and the metro stopped and we all sat in silence at the two times when the planes hit. When we got there relatives of those who died were reading out the names - it was really moving. That evening on the way back to Manhattan on the Staten Island Ferry two bright blue lights shone up in the sky near by to where the twin towers had stood. It was really eerie. You could see how the skyline once looked, and yet the lights joined the heavens, and were obviously transparent leaving a ghostly appearance. It certainly made the whole city think.
We're off early tomorrow to Niagra, followed by a 3 day trip to Vegas! I'll add photos soon, as we are using free internet in the apple store and I'm not allowed to plug things into the computer here!
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Wow, sounds like you've crammed loads in already! Andy had a great time in the Apple shop too.
Dad's ladies night tonight and they're getting stressed! Got to get ready but wanted to say hi.
Enjoy Vegas.
Helen xx
Hey KDB and H, loving your site. How dare you not stop in for free hospitality with the Kimmels in Denver, if you change your mind they would love to have you over i am sure. We will keep reading your site - see you in NZ!
Remember that gambling is evil, as I always say. X
Hi Kate, Great 2 c that u finally got off the ground and into the big blue sky 2 start your adventure. Keep loads of infoocumin thru coz it's gr8 2 read wots happening on your trip.
Take care n b safe
Aunty Pxx
Hi Kate, Great 2 c that u finally got off the ground and into the big blue sky 2 start your adventure. Keep loads of infoocumin thru coz it's gr8 2 read wots happening on your trip.
Take care n b safe
Aunty Pxx
yo kate...
just thinking about you and hoping that you're having safe travels. Hope you update this soon... i dunno... already turned into a hippie slacker?!?
lots of love izx
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