Lincoln joined us and we joined Luke and his friends before heading to Oxford Street the hub of Gay and Lesbian activity in the city. The streets were packed, and Luke - who had some friends with an apartment - wangled his way in to get great views of the parade from above. That left the three of us to bob over shoulders for a few minutes to get a view, before paying the $10 for a stool to stand on (a hardy investment - it now serves as my bedside table!)
The parade started in its traditional manner led by the "Dykes on Bikes" - no explanation needed - women, motorbikes, various levels of dress. Then followed numerous floats - the whole thing took over two hours to pass. Some groups had really gone to town.
The thing I loved most was that every section in society were represented - there were the Catholic Gays, the jewish gays, Middle Aged Gays - members of every emergency service turned out, and even some shops jumped on for the advertising opportunity - the bank ANZ and Ikea both had a float!

My favourite floats were those with the choreograophed dancers. There were the Asian marching Boys, and then a group from a nightclub. A lit up trojan horse follwed a greek style building, and a whole load of trojan soldiers with helmets and swords danced in unison behind. The men had muscly bodies which glistened in the lights from the float - and boy could these men dance!! The other group were the Bondi lifesavers all in their red Speedos (they're called Budgie Smugglers here!) and red and yellow swimming caps, carrying the red and yellow flags! The guys below are dressed like firemen and were dancing to "It's raining men!"

My favourite float of all was called Kylie's Impossible Princesses. There we
re hundreds of people bopping along behind a float that carried a huge image of Kylie. They all carried huge pink "K's" while Kylies songs blared out. After all of them, was a woman dressed as Danni Minogue carrying a sign which said "I can sing too!"

I had such a great night although I appreciate I look a bit of a wally now with four glowsticks coming out of my ponytail - but then hey - I certainly was not on my ownat the time!
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