Unable to reach H on the phone, I stood in the glorious sunshine, burning (no sunscreen as I'd only popped

I saw St Pat himself, a float of Irish Dancers (little girls wearing ringlet wigs!), a Bodrain float, and a Molly Malone float (cue impromptu song!) My favourite had to be the Aboriginal Float with Aborigines dressed in Irish Costumes playing didgeridoos.... very surreal!
I finally managed to get through to H as the last float drove past, but suggested she joined me at Hyde Park

Everyone loves the Irish it seems, and Hyde Park had been decked out into a mini, Guinness-selling Ireland complete with signposts to famous towns and areas in Ireland, and a few less well known - such as County

To be honest, other than a band, there was not much going on, but that didn't stop the place being packed, full of people wearing green, sporting Shrek Ears, and even the odd Leprechaun hanging about!. H and I wandered about and just soaked up the atmosphere!
On the way home we wandered through to Selwyn Street (another random mission from The Illusionist) and once again we weren't disappointed. These trees need to be seen to be fully appreciated!

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