Our first contact with a beach in Brazil did remind us somewhat of a summer holiday in Wales, but the rain was (dare I say it) even heavier than anything Wales has to offer, but thankfully also a lot warmer!
Our hotel in Isla Grande was beautiful, and the rain did not stop the hummingbirds which darted between the brightly coloured blooms, and the hummingbird feeders, their wings a blur, whilst in the distance the jungle covered hills slowly disappeared under the lowering cloud. Surprisingly beautiful!
We decided to go on a hike, and set off through the "jungle", having been joined by Andrea and Elaine from another GAP group also staying at the same hotel. Our route took us through a shallow river, where local teenagers were sliding down small waterfalls into a deep pool. (NB why do Brazilian men think they look good in White speedos?!)
We walked up and up, and were soon drenched to the skin, and as we reached the turning to the waterfalls, we parted company with Andy, Mary-Ann, Terry and Ros, and headed up the steep hill (It was scramble on hands and knees steep!)
We were now the Infamous Five (we elected Robert as Timmy the Dog!), and made adventurous decisions such as which path to take, before deciding to head back before getting disasterously lost. As we headed back the way we came, we spotted some big arrows marked on the floor pointing the correct way... we had missed these before, whilst admiring some Red Fungi. Great adventurers we make!
On track to the waterfalls, we headed down some now decidedly slippy tracks and reached the waterfall. After standing in the shallows to admire the torrents of water, I fell elegantly A over T and thus began a game with Elaine imaginatively titled, who can fall over the most (we drew 4 all by the time we got back to the hotel... sadly marks for comedy value of the fall were not taken into consideration!)
Having seen the waterfalls we hesded back. The paths were now treachurous under foot, and some had streams running down the middle of them.

We reached a beautiful beach. Deserted (in the rain... never!), with white sands, palms trees, and clear blue water. As we were now completely wet through we went for a swim in the warm sea fully clothed. You can't get wetter than saturated! It's actually rather liberating... you should try it!
We then faced the 2 hour hike back to the hotel. As we reached the river we had crossed that morning, we discovered that it was now an impassable rapid.. rather alarming until we found another route.
(Note to anyone going... there is the BEST EVER chocolate muffins in a restaurant in the road in the top picture. They are baked to order, and full of runny gooey molten chocolate inside. mmmmmm!)

The evenings in Isla Grande were a bit random - H had a n impromptu Salsa lesson in the rain in the middle of the street by a Brazilian Man called William Wallace (who's he kidding!) who fancied himself as Patrick Swayzee in Dirty Dancing - Spaghetti arms, this is my space, this is your space etc...! Poor H!
We had 2 great nights out in Isla Grande, and made good friends with Darren, Elaine and Andrea from the other group. It seems odd that our time on this GAP trip will end in 2 days time!!
We had 2 great nights out in Isla Grande, and made good friends with Darren, Elaine and Andrea from the other group. It seems odd that our time on this GAP trip will end in 2 days time!!
Let it be written in stone, that with our combined abilities to get lost walking, the three of us must NEVER be allowed to go on our own. Agreed?
Haven't you heard of global warming? The rain is Wales IS warm now.
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